The vote to approve the construction of the largest shopping center in the United States resulted in a 9-1 vote, which would...
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After more than 60 years, the two Koreas find peace. The leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-Un, was always seen as a...
Tampons must be used correctly to avoid infections such as SST or allergic reactions. Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is still mainly a...
Now it is at $ 2.747 billion, leaving behind a United Kingdom, with $ 2.625 billion. The economy of California became the...
They record videos to help their subscribers and to share their knowledge acquired over the years, in the process, they became famous;...
According to the World Health Organization, 800,000 suicides happen every year, making it the second cause of death in people between 15...
La semana pasada, Estados Unidos, Francia y Reino Unido intervinieron en territorio sirio para bombardear laboratorios donde se supone que el régimen...
Las últimas noticias referidas a la guerra en Siria han sido perturbantes. Estados Unidos, Francia y Reino Unido han bombardeado con un...
Él es un locutor muy reconocido en nuestro país, con muchos proyectos a futuro, entre ellos su retorno a la televisión, pues por el momento solo...